To keep your garage door functioning properly, it will require regular maintenance and occasional repairs. Numerous garage door maintenance tasks, such as cleaning the tracks, lubricating moving parts, and replacing the batteries in your garage door remote, can be safely done on your own.
However, when dealing with worn or broken parts and more serious issues, it is often smarter and safer to call a licensed garage door repair company due to the complexity involved. Here, we’ll take a look at some common garage door problems that should be handled by licensed door contractors.
1. Garage Door Safety Devices Aren’t Working Properly
The garage door opener’s safety and reverse mechanisms are mandatory features in overhead garage door systems. These safety systems prevent entrapment, injuries, and damage by stopping the garage door from closing on people, pets, or objects.
Malfunctioning safety mechanisms, such as the RPM sensor or photo eyes, pose a serious risk and should be inspected and repaired by a certified garage door repair company with the knowledge and training to fix the problem safely and ensure that the garage door complies with applicable operating standards.
2. Broken Garage Door Spring
Garage doors can weigh several hundred pounds, with their weight supported by a high level of torque generated by the springs.

These springs are critical for the stability and operation of the garage door. Attempting to repair them also involves working at heights with heavy door components, making precision adjustments, and adhering to safety procedures when accessing and repairing garage doors at elevated positions.
3. Garage Door Won’t Open or Close
A garage door may become stuck in the open or closed position for various reasons, including: Worn or broken cables, faulty or broken hinges, worn or broken springs, torsion assembly misalignment, worn bearings, bent and misaligned door sections, and imbalanced garage door. Fixing these issues requires working with the torsion assembly and the springs, which can be dangerous without the necessary knowledge and tools.
4. Garage Door Off the Tracks
Due to their heavy weight, garage doors that come off their tracks can swing unexpectedly or even fall completely, potentially causing serious injury to anyone nearby.

This presents a significant safety concern not only due to hazardous conditions but also for security reasons. An off-track garage door will not close and lock properly, leaving your home vulnerable to unauthorized access and security breaches.
5. Garage Door Shakes or Makes Unusual Popping Noises
A garage door that shakes or makes unusual sounds when opening or closing can indicate underlying issues such as bent or cracked door sections, an unlevel or imbalanced door, worn rollers, worn springs, broken or misplaced door cables, and worn bearings. It is advisable to stop using the door and contact a licensed garage door repair professional to inspect the door and address the problem. Attempting to operate the door under these conditions may result in the door coming off the tracks, causing damage to the door itself, equipment, vehicles, belongings, and posing a risk of injury to people in the vicinity.
The Case for Licensed Garage Door Repair Technicians
Tampering with the wrong parts can cause a garage door to collapse or components to break, leading to serious injuries, potential liability, and higher repair costs. It’s often more cost-effective to hire a professional garage door repair service for the necessary repairs.
Garage door repairs that involve complex tasks, including manual handling, working at heights, and dealing with electricity, can expose you to various risks and hazards. They can also be time-consuming without the required experience. Licensed garage door technicians have the necessary tools, skills, and knowledge to quickly identify and properly fix the problem.