Help! My Garage Door Only Opens a Foot

Published on By Champion Garage Door Repair.
(Last modified on October 18th, 2023)

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Recently, I’ve noticed that whenever I try to open my garage door, it only moves a short distance of about a foot and then stops. It doesn’t seem to have enough power to fully open. I’ve tried opening it multiple times but it consistently behaves the same way. I would appreciate your opinion on what could be causing this issue. Thank you in advance.

– Jeff R.


Well Jeff, there can be several reasons why your garage door only opens a foot (or a little) instead of fully opening. Here are a few possible explanations, starting with the most common ones:

1. Broken or Worn Spring

Every garage door is equipped with springs that play a crucial role in supporting its weight. However, if one of these springs is broken, worn out, or improperly adjusted, it can lead to limited movement. As a result, the garage door may only open about a foot.

In garage doors with torsion assemblies, the springs are positioned on the header, above the garage door. On the other hand, garage doors with extension assemblies have their springs positioned either on the sides or above the horizontal tracks.

Broken garage door spring
Broken garage door spring

To assess the condition of the springs, you can visually inspect them for signs of breakage or if there is an approximate 2-inch gap between the coils of the spring. These indicators can help identify potential issues with the springs and assist in determining if they need to be repaired or replaced.

2. Motor or Opener Problems

If the garage door opener or motor is malfunctioning, it may not have enough power to fully open the door. Various issues with the motor’s gears, sprocket, limit switches, RPM sensor, or a worn-out motor can contribute to limited door movement, causing the garage door to open only a few inches and then stop.

To troubleshoot, start by ensuring that the springs are not broken. If the springs appear to be intact, close the door and disengage it from the opener using the emergency release. Try manually operating the door slowly and follow its movement to test the garage door balance. If the door operates smoothly without any restrictions, it indicates that the issue lies with the opener.

3. Obstructions

Check for any objects or debris that may be obstructing the path of the garage door. Even small obstructions like a sticking sidelock, loose bolt, broken hinge, misplaced roller or item can prevent the door from fully opening or only opening a few inches. Clearing the pathway by removing any obstacles can often resolve the issue and allow the door to open properly.

Check for any objects or debris that might be blocking the path of the garage door. Sometimes even small obstructions such as a sticking sidelock, loose bolt, or misplaced item can stop the garage door from fully opening or cause it to only open a few inches. By clearing the pathway and removing any obstacles, you can often resolve the issue and enable the door to open properly.

4. Tracks Misalignment

A sectional garage door operates by moving along the tracks which are located on either side. If these tracks become misaligned or damaged, it can limit the movement of the door. The issue can be fixed by adjusting or repairing the tracks.

Before contacting a garage door repair company, you may want to try these basic repair tasks or carefully attempt simple repairs that you can do yourself.

Note that issues with a garage door that only opens a foot can sometimes be complex, and attempting repairs without the proper knowledge, experience, and tools can be risky. If you are unsure about what steps to take, it is highly recommended to contact a licensed garage door repair company that can assess the situation, diagnose the underlying cause, and perform the necessary repairs to ensure safe and reliable operation of your garage door.

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