Help with Garage Door Struggles to Close

Published on By Champion Garage Door Repair.

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I need help with my garage door. It does not close sometimes until trying multiple times.

Michael P.


There are multiple reasons why your garage door might not close properly:

1. Problems with the Safety Sensors

If your garage door sensors are obstructed, misaligned, or malfunctioning, it will prevent your garage door from closing. Start by inspecting the safety sensors, which should be located on both sides of your garage door opening (bottom left and right). Check the safety sensors’ LED lights—both should be on and solid. If the LED lights are off or one is flashing, it indicates a problem. First, clean the safety sensor lenses with a dry cloth and try to align them using the steps outlined here. Then, test your garage door. If it still doesn’t work, check the connections; you may need to replace the sensor’s electrical wires or the entire safety system.

2. Cold Weather

Cold weather can affect your garage door opener’s motor, preventing your garage door from closing. This usually happens with older garage door opener units. You can try recalibrating the opener’s closing force and lubricating the opener’s rail. If that doesn’t work, you may need to replace your garage door opener unit.

3. Garage Door Balance

If your garage door is not properly balanced—i.e., it is too heavy or pulling up, it can trigger the door opener’s RPM sensor, causing your garage door to stop moving. Test your garage door balance using the steps outlined here and make the necessary adjustments.

4. Worn Garage Door Parts

Worn parts such as door sections, hinges, rollers, and brackets can cause your garage door to bind and not close. Inspect your door sections to ensure they are not sagging. Check the rollers, hinges, and brackets for cracks, breakage, or other abnormalities.

5. Alignment

A misaligned garage door can bind against the tracks or garage frame when trying to close. Inspect your garage door and tracks. Fix alignment problems using the steps outlined here.

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