LED light bulbs are manufactured using digital circuitry that can emit electromagnetic noise in the range of 30MHz to 1000MHz, while garage door openers typically operate on frequencies between 310MHz and 390MHz.
As a result, LED lights installed in your garage door opener may cause frequency interference. The interference could also come from nearby LED lights, including those from your neighbors.
What LED Lights Should You Use to Prevent Interference?
Use LED lights that operate on 50-60Hz and comply with FCC regulations. Look for the FCC mark on the package or lightbulb to ensure they meet standards.

What to Do If Your Garage Door Has Range Problems When Lights Are On
If your garage door opener is experiencing range problems or only works intermittently, first, remove all the light bulbs and test the range of the opener. If the problem persists, the interference isn’t caused by the light bulbs. If the range improves after removing the bulbs, replace them with different bulbs or try using a different wattage.
You can also use a portable radio to locate the source of interference. Set the radio to a low AM frequency and ensure there’s no static or noise. Scan the area by pointing the radio toward potential sources. Once the radio starts emitting static or buzzing sounds, you’ve likely found the source of the interference.