Overhead garage door systems are complex mechanisms made up of a variety of mechanical components and safety features that work together to make the door move and safer for use. With so many moving parts, it’s not uncommon for one of them to fail or malfunction, causing the garage to suddenly stop working or break down.
If your garage door suddenly stopped working, there are a few things you can check before calling a garage door repair company. While there are numerous malfunctions that you may not be able to diagnose and fix, checking a few basic things can save you time and money.
Below are 5 simple garage door issues that you can fix yourself without calling a professional repairman:
1. Visual inspection: Visually inspect the garage door tracks to make sure that there aren’t objects that prevent the garage door from opening or closing.
2. Inspect the door sensors: If your garage door won’t close, check for any obvious issues that could be causing the problem. For example, if your garage won’t close when using the door opener, first make sure that the garage door sensors are properly aligned and there are no objects blocking the sensors.
3. Check for loose connections: The opener’s sensors and wall button are hardwired to the motor. Use a ladder to inspect the terminals and wiring connections. If you notice any loose connections, tighten them with a screwdriver. Additionally, check the opener’s plug to ensure it is securely connected to the outlet.

4. Inspect and test the outlet: If your garage door opener won’t move or respond, it may have lost power due to a defective outlet or another electrical malfunction. Inspect the outlet the opener is plugged into for any signs of damage and check if power is coming from it. You can test the outlet with a voltage tester or by unplugging the opener and plugging in a different device. If there’s no power, the problem lies with the outlet, and you should contact an electrician rather than a garage door repair company.
5. Reset the garage circuit breaker: Check the circuit breaker to see if the switch for the garage area has tripped. If it has, reset the breaker and see if this solves the problem.
If you’ve followed these steps and are still experiencing issues with your garage door, try troubleshooting common problems to identify the cause.
Given the weight and size of the garage door, always prioritize safety when attempting DIY repairs, especially when dealing with electric openers and springs. Contact a licensed garage door repair company if you’re unsure how to proceed.
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