Entrapment risks and the following incidents emphasize the importance of regular garage door testing, inspection and maintenance.
In October 2016, Heidi Chalkley posed a surprising question to her friend: “Have you ever held on?” She then grabbed a nearby garage door as it began to open. Within seconds, her hand became trapped, and in less than a minute, the garage door and equipment fatally crushed her.

A witness described the event, stating, “She was not moving at all. I stood behind her and took hold of her legs. I tried my best to do anything I could.” Chalkley suffered fractures to her arms, ribs, and spine.
In 2018, Erica Dilley opened her garage door using a wireless keypad and attended to a toddler secured in a stroller. As the electric garage door began to rise, her daughter grabbed the lower edge. Dilley, upon realizing her daughter’s predicament and hearing her calls for help, rushed over and safely retrieved the little girl. The entire incident lasted 15 seconds, fortunately resulting in no injuries.

Garage Door-Related Accidents and Injuries
According to the Hennepin County Medical Center, at least 85 children have suffered permanent brain injuries or died since 1974 due to accidents involving electric garage door openers in the United States.
Despite the implementation and improvement of safety features in garage doors and garage door repair procedures, people continue to be injured each year by their garage doors. While the following statistics are reported by different sources, these figures are not confirmed by any official source:
- 20,000 to 30,000 people are injured by garage doors annually.
- More than 7,500 people suffer pinching injuries from their garage doors, often because fingers were in the tracks or panels of the product.
- Over 2,200 people are injured each year because their garage door falls on them.
- Another 800 people suffer scrapes, cuts, or lacerations from their garage doors because the windows included in the design break, creating a sharp edge.
The CPSC recommends testing garage doors on a monthly basis to ensure that they are safe for use and comply with industry safety standards. Consult a licensed garage door repair company if you’re unsure how to test your garage door safety or suspect that it isn’t safe for use.
While no professional garage door service provider or manufactured product can anticipate all interactions, ensuring the proper installation, repair, and maintenance of garage doors by certified technicians can help reduce the risk of potential injuries, damage occurrences, and ensure the safety of children and pets near overhead garage doors.